The amazing journey of this gift begins with you and results in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication.
We like to collect new items each month to let the whole church participate in the evangelism of our Kindness To Kenya Christmas project. Below you can find each month's assigned items! Items may be dropped off in the church lobby.
DO NOT INCLUDE: Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
Crafts and Activities:
Coloring books, Watercolor set, Puzzles, Playdough (Consider adding plastic cookie cutters as non-sharp utensils the child can use with the playdough), Stickers, Binoculars, Building blocks, Tool set
Balls, Plastic dinosaurs, animals, action figures (nothing war-related), Toy cars, Yo-yo, Small, Frisbee, Small kite, Etch A Sketch, Hacky sack, Costumes to play dress-up - crowns and costume jewelry
Shirts and pants, Underwear, Shoes and socks, Flip-flops, Hat, Scarf, Mittens, Pillowcase dress (loose-fitting sundress)
Personal Care Items:
Toothbrushes, Bars of soap, Hairbrushes, Combs, Washcloths, Adhesive bandages, Reusable plastic containers - cup, water bottle, plate, bowl, blunt-edged utensils, non-liquid lip balm
A "Wow" Item:
Stuffed animals, Dolls, Doll accessories, Soccer ball (Please include a manual air pump so that the ball can be re-inflated), Sidewalk chalk, Small musical instrument, backpack, Jump ropes
Hair bands, Hair bows, Sunglasses, Necklaces, Wrist watches, Ball caps, Compact mirrors, Tote bags, Purses, Friendship bracelets (woven with yarn or embroidery thread)
School Supplies:
Pencils, Small manual pencil sharpener, Colored pencils, Pencil case, Pens, Crayons, Markers, Notebooks, Blank index cards, Solar-powered calculator, Scissors, Ruler, Protractor, Glue stick, Small adhesive tape
Crafts and Activities:
Coloring books, Watercolor set, Puzzles, Playdough (Consider adding plastic cookie cutters as non-sharp utensils the child can use with the playdough), Stickers, Binoculars, Building blocks, Tool set
Balls, Plastic dinosaurs, animals, action figures (nothing war-related), Toy cars, Yo-yo, Small, Frisbee, Small kite, Etch A Sketch, Hacky sack, Costumes to play dress-up - crowns and costume jewelry
Shirts and pants, Underwear, Shoes and socks, Flip-flops, Hat, Scarf, Mittens, Pillowcase dress (loose-fitting sundress)
Packing Party:
Date to be announced. You may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself, your family, or group. If you include your name and an address, the child may be able to write back.